FabulousFloralFotos --- Site Map


Home Page
Like all home pages, my Home Page is the entryway to the rest of my web site. 'Nuff said!
FAQ Page
A page containing questions and answers pertaining to my web site, my photos, and related business matters. Right now, it's a fairly short document, but if the list of questions and answers gets long enough, I may add additional FAQ pages later.
Site Map
The page you're currently on. Right now, this site is small enough that it doesn't really need a site map, but potentially, the site could grow large enough that this page would make it easier for visitors to find exactly what they're looking for.
Currently a single page consisting of thumbnail images of 48 of my better flower & garden photos. (There are a lot more where those came from!) Each thumbnail image links to a larger image (which opens in a separate window) so that you can see each image more clearly. Eventually, I'll probably need multiple pages for the thumbnails (once I add more images), so that download time won't be excessive. I also hope to obtain detailed information (possibly from a botanical/horticultural consultant willing to help me out) so that clicking on each thumbnail will revel not just a larger version of the same image, but also detailed information regarding the plants portrayed in the photos. However, not being a specialist in such matters, I cannot consistently identify all of the plants in my photos at this time, so that will have to wait until later.
Contact Info
To some extent, this page might seem superfluous at present, since I've included my mailing address, phone number and e-mail information at the bottom of nearly every primary page. However, future plans for this page include a form which visitors can fill out in order to send me requests for information, with details (furnished via the form) which will make it easier for me to satisfactorily answer their questions. Also, if you just want to print out my contact info, in a large, easy-to-read typeface, the Contact Info page serves that function now.

Mark W. Pettigrew
30 W. Chicago Avenue, Room 1212
Chicago, IL 60610

Phone: 773-509-8126 || E-Mail: mark_w_pettigrew@hotmail.com